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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Mining

How Much Gold is There? It Depends Who You Ask.

How Much Gold is There? It Depends Who You Ask.

There are many different estimates for how much gold there is in the world. Read our breakdown of the different estimates and valuations here.

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Gold Miner Lingo

Like every industry, gold mining has developed an extensive jargon over the years. Read on to learn some of our favorite miner-isms.

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The Bushveld Igneous Complex: Where Platinum Comes From

Most of the world’s platinum comes from a geological formation known as the Bushveld Igneous Complex. Learn more about it by reading our blog.

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How Eucalyptus Trees Can Help Miners

How Eucalyptus Trees Can Help Miners

Scientists have recently discovered that eucalyptus trees can draw gold up from the ground. Read on to learn how this helps miners.

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The Legend of Lasseter’s Reef

Harold Lasseter claimed to have found a rich gold reef, but was never able to find it’s location a second time. He died looking for it.

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Giant Gold Nugget Discovered in Australia

Giant Gold Nugget Discovered in Australia

Australia is famous for producing so many gold nuggets over the years. An amateur prospector recently unearthed a new one weighing more than 11 lbs.

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