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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Precious Metal Uses

Edible Gold

Edible Gold

For thousands of years, people have celebrated their wealth by cooking with it, and even eating gold

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Using Gold to Decontaminate Water

Using Gold to Decontaminate Water

Recent discoveries show that gold and other precious metals can help decontaminate water from agricultural pesticides. Read this post to learn more about gold as a decontaminate.

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What Does It Mean When Music “Goes Gold” or “Goes Platinum”?

What Does It Mean When Music “Goes Gold” or “Goes Platinum”?

Precious metal analogies are often used to explain the value of a variety of products. The music industry uses “gold” and “platinum” to describe tiers of successful album sales.

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How Much Gold Is in Your Computer?

How Much Gold Is in Your Computer?

Manhattan Gold & Silver doesn’t recycle gold from computers. It’s amazing that gold is so pliable and light that computer makers source it for such delicate parts.

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Odd Sources of Gold – Cell Phones

Odd Sources of Gold – Cell Phones

Gold and other precious metals are used in a variety of everyday objects and projects, such as cell phones, for example. Read on to learn about the treasure in your cell phone.

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Industrial Gold: Aerospace

Industrial Gold: Aerospace

The aerospace industry uses gold in a variety of ways, from space suits to circuitry. Read this post to learn about the unusual ways gold is used in the aerospace industry.

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