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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Science and Technology

What are Gold Intermetallics?

One of amazing things about gold is that it is one of the least reactive chemical elements. This quality of inertness is one of the reasons why gold became the basis of early currency. No matter where

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Specific Gravity Testing for Precious Metals & Gems

Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of a substance’s density to the density of a reference substance. The reference substance is nearly always distilled water, which has an SG value of 1. Anything with

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Precious Metals in Dentistry

When folks hear that dental offices make up a good portion of our clientele, they automatically think of gold teeth and crowns. They are usually surprised to learn that silver, platinum, and palladium

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Gold Thread Acupuncture

For centuries, acupuncture has been used as a treatment for body aches. In fact, gold thread acupuncture – a technique that involves inserting small pieces of sterile gold thread into the body with an

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New Alloy could Popularize Hydrogen Fuel

Hydrogen has long been touted as a high efficiency, environmentally friendly fuel of the future. While hydrogen fuel cells have existed for quite some time, practical limitations have kept the

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Silver Derivation from Old Fireworks

You’ve likely seen bang-snaps around New Year’s or Independence Day or played with them as a kid. They’re the tiny teardrop-shaped paper firecrackers that pop like a cap gun when you toss them on the

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