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Precious Metals Blog

Tag: Science and Technology

IIDGR & De Beers Group Release Screening Device for Synthetic Diamonds

Earlier this year, the International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research (IIDGR), a De Beers Group company, announced SYNTHdetect – a new type of screening device that jewelry and gemstone

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Gold Coatings for Scanning Electron Microscopy

Aside from being a store of value, gold has multiple engineering, scientific, and industrial uses. Some of these applications are of enormous scale, but others are astonishingly small. For example,

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Medical Uses for Platinum

Precious metals are a critical resource in the healthcare industry. Silver’s anti-microbial properties have earned it several roles in medicine. Gold can be used for dental fillings, or converted into

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How the World’s Largest & Most Valuable Diamonds Form

It’s common knowledge that diamonds are created by the incredible pressure and heat deep below the surface of the earth – only becoming accessible after volcanic activity brings them closer to earth’s

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Scientists Discover how to make Harder Diamonds

For centuries, diamonds have been known for their incredible hardness. Now, researchers from the Australian National University have devised a way to synthesize diamonds that are up to 58% harder than

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Volkswagen Cars now come with Silver Windshields

Precious metals have been a part of automotive technology for decades – from gold-plated electrical connections, to catalytic converters that rely on platinum and palladium. This year, Volkswagen

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